
Saturday 27 April 2013

Jar of Dirt

Ok so I am a Pirates of the Caribbean junkie. I have lost count of how many times I have watched all four films and still can't decide which is my favourite. Jack Sparrow though has got to be my hero. O'h to be a pirate drinking rum all day in the Caribbean and sailing the seas. I wish!

I was inspired a few months ago  to create a Jar of Dirt Necklace. I still go around singing. "I got a jar of dirt." When I ever I see them. I have sold a few of these necklaces already but wanted to show them to you for those that haven't seen them.  The one with the key and the white sea glass was my first necklace but today I thought I would create another with brown sea glass and a pirates flag charm.

\Which is your favourite?

I hope you like them as much as I do and you are a big fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean films like me. Can't wait for the next one to come out.

Keep watching my blog too as I will soon have a Davy Jones necklace coming soon!

Jar of Dirt Necklace 

Jar of Dirt Necklace

Saturday 13 April 2013

Sea Glass

I have been crafting now for some time and have my website and Etsy shop where I sell Egyptian jewellery, Micro macrame jewellery and sea glass jewellery.

My latest hobby of beach combing and searching for sea glass has become a bit if an obsession. So much so that I have far too many pieces of sea glass for my own use. So the solution was to set up a little shop on Folksy. The shop is still very young but if you need and sea glass for jewellery making, mosaics, sun catchers or any other craft project you have in mind please check out my little shop.