
Thursday 31 March 2011

Todays creations and thoughts

I have been waiting for some pretty Czech seed beads to arrive, and today was the day they popped through the letter box. (About time too) This meant it's a day of creations. I started with the rose gold coloured pyramids which are such a pretty bead and combined them with the new Czech seed beads and cubic zirconias to come up with this.

After a coffee break I then got the lapis out and made what is my favourite out of todays 3 creations. I hope to incorporate this design into a necklace as I have far more bracelets than necklaces at the moment, but I did particularly like the way this turned out.

After another coffee break. (Yes you guessed it I do enjoy a cup of coffee) I got my lovely hot orange sun beads out along with some bronze filigree beads and came up with this. It has a really vintage feel to it. I have been working with more bronze and copper lately and I really like it. In fact after creating this last piece I went on to order yet more supplies (oops my bank card is straining again) with yet even more designs in mind.

Right that is me for today. I do wish this blogger thingy had a spell checker to check for all my typos though.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

WOW. New Treasury on Etsy

My Egyptian Cobra and rose head necklace has been featured on this amazing treasury on Etsy please click and comment if you are and Etsy member. Its a lovely collection. xx

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Mothers Day

Well Mothers day will soon be upon us again. I am not sure what I will get from my two sons, both in thier twentys now. One still at home and the other only a couple of miles away who lives with his girlfriend.

I know it's another year without my Mum as I lost her over 18 years ago now. She never did get to see any of my jewellery designs but if she were here to day I would have liked to have given her one of these as these are my favourites at the moment.

Egyptian Vintage Treasures Bracelet

Egyptian Jewel of the Nile Matching Bracelet and Necklace set.

Both of these items are on my website If you are interested in treating your Mum to one of my favourites

I hope if you are a Mum you have a fab Mothers Day this year and if you are still lucky enough to have your Mum I hope she does too.

Monday 28 March 2011

Crafty Cats Gallery

The Crafty Cats Gallery has now been created. Please feel free to add your cats photo. It will also ask you for you blog/site link as well this should be the same page where you cats picture is located so if you have your cats picture on your blog or site it will create a link back to your site or blog.

Click on the Crafty Cats Gallery tab at the top of the page to add your cats pictures.

Sunday 27 March 2011

The face behind the blog

Well I know some of you have been waiting to read about and meet my cat. Yes my cat as she has a much prettier face than me. Some of you that follow my facebook page will have already seen her but for those of you that haven't all will be revealed very soon.

Meet my cat MogsyMoo. She is around 14 years old now and loves to sleep, mainly on my bed and in my space. I would love to take on some more cats and kittens but can't as she is quite frankly a little bully. She won't let any other cats in her garden and refuses to run away from dogs. O'h and her favourite trick is biting noses. Yes she has had many a bite out of my nose, my husbands nose, and both of my two sons nose's and guests as well. She isn't fussy whose nose she has. She is also quite partial to the odd chunk of chin aswell especailly if it has a slight bristle growth on it.

She also loves lying on her back showing everyone just how big her tummy is or more to the point trying to attract attention to someone to put some food in it.

Well here is is in full colour.

I would love to here about your cats as well in the comments section because I am thinking of creating a crafters cat page which will include photos of your cats so those of you that are intersted in adding your cats picture to this blog please leave your comments below too.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Playing on You tube

Yes as the title says todays acitivities that I have been up to have been creating my first video on youtube, I have added quite a few of my items but would like to know what you think is best the new video or the flcikr slideshow on the left.

Well here hopefully is the new video.

Friday 25 March 2011

Vote Please

Please vote for my bracelet in the Handmade Gift Guide. If I win I get to have a little free advertising. Its one of my latest bracelets too and one of my favourites. Voting ends in two days time so get your votes in now please. I am currently lying in second place. Bookmark the site as they run this regularly and you can add your items next time round.

Vote here I am NUMBER 33

New to blogger and blogging.

Welcome to my first postIng on this blog. Its very early days yet and I am still trying to configure this whole blogger thing so please bare with me if things around here look a bit odd.

Anyhow a few things about me. What can I say. Jewellery cats and horses about sums me up. So along with my many jewellery postings you will get to hear about my cat and my horse and I would love to hear about your pets too. So here is me signing out for a while, whilst I to try and figure out just how this blogger thing works. HELP.