
Friday 25 March 2011

New to blogger and blogging.

Welcome to my first postIng on this blog. Its very early days yet and I am still trying to configure this whole blogger thing so please bare with me if things around here look a bit odd.

Anyhow a few things about me. What can I say. Jewellery cats and horses about sums me up. So along with my many jewellery postings you will get to hear about my cat and my horse and I would love to hear about your pets too. So here is me signing out for a while, whilst I to try and figure out just how this blogger thing works. HELP.


  1. Congrats on your new blog. I've been meaning to do that myself. A like from you on my shop's facebook would be awesome! Best of luck on your blog!

  2. Thank you. I am on my way over to facebook now. x

  3. Good luck getting going - I keep meaning to do one and then get cold feet.

  4. good luck and happy blogging!! Betsy J

  5. Hi well done you blogger you.

    I am in process of setting one up and don't really know all ins and outs of it either, but feeling pleased i have set up shops on etsy,folksy and now facebook business page and stumbleupon. Please like my facebook page too. x!/pages/Little-Red-Robin/185263494835035

  6. Well done on your blog. I still haven't picked up the courage. I look forward to hearing more about your cats and horse.

    Marie (VioletVickers)

  7. hi ! great job starting this blog, i am totally new to this blogging thing, got the etsy shop up and the facebook page, blogger is next! hope you have time to stop by and look at my shop/facebook page.

  8. I have no idea on how to even start setting up a blog. Can someone help me?

  9. Hi Sherry

    Go to sign up and follow instructions. There are lots of options to choose from and it takes a bit of time to get used to it but you will get there and when you do come back here and post your blog so we can all share. Good luck. xx

  10. Thank you so much Egyptian Inspirations. Will do

  11. Well, I think I have created a blog. Now, I just have to find the time to do something with it. Thanks for your help egyptian inspirations!
