
Friday 15 April 2011

Handmade Jewellery

Handmade jewellery. Why should you buy handmade jewellery rather that buying from the high street? Lots of reasons.

Next time you are thinking of taking a trip to the high street to buy maybe an expensive individual charm bracelet or a blingy cheap fashion accessory think again. For a fraction of the price on the high street you could have a handmade probably unique one off piece that has been carefully designed and created by hand rather than mass churned out in some far away land by probably underpaid workers. Hand made jewellery artists usually use top quality materials. Very often they will make you a piece to your own requirements as well. Very seldom are they expensive.

Handmade jewellery comes in lots of different shapes and sizes and the choice is just amazing. Take a look at some of the Folksy and Etsy shops I have listed on my blog. You will find plenty to choose from there. You are of coarse welcome to browse my own website as well Egyptian Inspirations for a wide choice of unique handmade jewellery. There are many more handmade jewellery artists to choose from. If you are looking to buy locally then look out for local craft fairs.

Please help support handmade jewellery artists by buying handmade items you could very well end up with a very valuble and treasured family heirloom in the future.

Here are just a small selection of of my own work to show the variety of styles which are available on the market today.


  1. I'm a committed supporter of handmade jewellery artists, and now I've discovered the amazing variety, quality and uniqueness I can find from handmade jewellery makers I will never go near a high street jeweller again! As you said you can even commission a piece to your own requirements at very reasonable cost, and you know you'll never meet anyone else with the same piece. I also enjoy wearing handmade jewellery because I know exactly who made it, and that it was made with care and attention, and not mass produced by who knows who or where!

  2. I agree with everything you say, but then again I would, as I too am a jeweller! I specialise in semi-precious gemstones and I too, love the fact that no two pieces are ever the same. The colours and organic textures of the huge variety of stones that are available, make them such a pleasure to work with and I never quite know what the finished piece will look like until the final finding is attached. My shop is

  3. Love this post :) I love anything handmade, and make jewellery myself. Here's my shop if you fancy having a look!

  4. This a great post and the message is a good one. High street shops aren't able to make a beautiful custom piece of jewellery like we are.

    My shop

  5. Great message! And can I say the same message goes for lots of other handmade crafts too? It's always great knowing you own something unique.

  6. If you're interested in Handmade goodies, please take a look at a FREE gallery filled with gorgeousness and talent!!
    Go Handmade!!!!

  7. Totally agree. I've recently started buying much more from handmade artists, not just jewellery but also homewares and things for my toddler, and I couldn't be happier. I really like looking at an item and knowing that someone put into it what I put into my own items. It adds a whole other dimension when compared to finding something pretty on the high street - I've got some lovely mass-produced things, but they feel impersonal by comparison. Plus I really appreciate knowing that something was made in good working conditions!

    Sarah (

  8. I love your post! I buy handmade and/or all natural items when I can because of the creativity and uniqueness. I am a hairstylist/makeup artist, but since 2000 I have been making all natural bath and body gifts for family and friends and recently started making jewelry. Saying I love your Egyptian Inspirations jewelry is an understatement. I believe all of us handcrafters should support eachother. Please check out my new page, its just getting started.

  9. There is something really special about handmade jewellery and there's so much variety to choose from on Folksy and Etsy. I make wire wrapped rings and earrings. Here are my shop links:

  10. I agree. Handmade is the way to go. The pieces have personality and individuality. It is always better to buy handmade.

    Here is my shop:

  11. I agree with this post. Handmade jewelry definitely has its own soul, and what's even better is that you know it benefits an individual who is intimately involved with their craft. I have my own shop:

    Etsy's a wonderful place where you can buy almost anything. Long live the indie arts!

    But allow me to play the devil's advocate on one thing you mentioned: buying from companies who have underpaid workers. Most of our supplies are bought from companies who operate in much the same way (made in far-away lands and mass-produced). It's always good to be a conscious buyer when you can be, but it's also worth keeping in mind that you can't save them all.

  12. Very nice message :) as a fairly new jewelry seller I appreciate those who are willing to speak up on our behalf. My shop is

  13. Very nice feature, I agree handmade is the best way to go!!!

  14. I only wear handmade jewellery; either my own or something that I've bought from the many talented people around! I like to be original and would hate to bump into someone wearing the same pair of earrings of necklace as me!!!
    We need to shout it from the rooftops - HANDMADE IS BEST!!!

  15. I agree! When you buy handmade, you're buying something worth showing off. Here's a recent listing from our shop to back up this point!

    Thanks for being an advocate. Great stuff!

  16. The wonderful thing about handmade is you won't find another one quite like it again, and it allows for some off-beat, interesting works. My store focuses on recycled clock parts and vintage filigree to create a look you just can't buy at your local jewelers!

  17. Handmade jewellery is so superior to mass-produced stuff people see on the high street. However, until customers take the plunge and buy from excellent sites like Folksy they will sadly never experience the quality and craftmanship that lovingly goes into making beautiful handcrafted pieces. If anyone reading this is interested in visiting my website it is or

  18. I'm also a jewellery designer and carefully make each piece by hand. I make my own jewellery because my taste lies outside the mainstream and it can be hard to find something I want to wear. My jewellery is unique and a talking point, and I love finishing off a fairly conservative outfit with something off-the-wall and non-conformist! :)

    I hope that the public start to embrace the handmade revolution, start supporting local artisans and aren't afraid to embrace their individuality!

  19. Yes, completely agree with you - its puzzling as to why people will go and spend big bucks in a chainstore jewellers on something that hundreds. if not thousands of other people are wearing, when they could buy something unique and hand crafted with love from a jewellery designer
