
Wednesday 10 August 2011

Ancient Egyptian Jewellery

Ancient Egyptian jewellery is awe inspiring and is probably the inspiration behind many a handmade artist. This week I went along to the World Museum in Liverpool where I saw an amazing collection of Egyptian artifacts including a collection of ancient Egyptian jewellery. It was fanastic to actually view all of these artifacts and also be so close to an ancient Egyptian real Mummy.

Ancient Egyptian jewellery inspired me to create my own Egyptian jewellery and the amazing culture that these people adopted.
Below are many many pictures I took on the day including ancient Egyptian Jewellery.


Ancient Egyptian Jewellery

Ancient Egyptian Jewellery

Ancient Egyptian Jewellery

Ancient Egyptian Jewellery

Egyptian Mummy

Egyptian Book of The Dead

Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jars

Ancient Egyptian Shabtis

Statue of Sekhmet


  1. Oh you lucky thing, I love Liverpool Museum, and Walker Art Gallery next door, great buildings too. It is so worth a visit. Lovely photo's, do they still have the tiny baby 'mummy' I wander.

    Jan x

  2. It looks like you had a fabulous day and got lots of great inspiration for some new creations! Thanks for sharing your pics with us all. My local art museum, Nelson Art Gallery in Kansas City, also has a fantastic Egyptian exhibit...if you ever make it to the states you should come for a visit!

  3. I am also SO obsessed over ancient egypt! such a dream <3 great stuff! the mummy = best move ever LOL

  4. cool stuff! i really love your inspiration. check out this latch hook dress by JAS featured at style week providence. it's about half way down. it's egyptian inspired. i think you'll like it!

